
Vaser Liposuction: VASER Lipo is a specialised and minimally invasive fat removal and body contouring procedure. In contrast to traditional liposuction, VASER Lipo affords patients the sculpting experience no amount of exercise of dieting can achieve by itself with ultimate precision and minimal downtime.

VASER (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance) uses the most advanced ultrasound technology to breakdown fat cells, which are then removed from your body through a suction process. VASER Lipo (also referred to as Vaser liposelection or Ultrasound Liposuction) is a suitable procedure for both men and women.

The ultrasound energy only targets fat cells, leaving surrounding tissues undamaged, and involves minimal downtime. Our experience tells us that VASER Lipo is the most effective minimally invasive method of removing unwanted fat from your body, creating a defined and sculpted area.

The VASER Lipo Procedure: VASER Lipo is a minimally invasive procedure, performed under local anaesthetic. A small probe is used to transmit the sound energy and liquefy fat cells prior to removal through a gentle suction process. It is a less invasive procedure than traditional Liposuction.

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