Laser Hair Removal

Full Body, Arms & Legs: Laser Hair Removal is a proven safe and effective method for achieving smooth hairless skin and achieving the benefits of that great appearance.

Laser hair removal is one of the most commonly done cosmetic procedures. It beams highly concentrated light into hair follicles. Pigment in the follicles absorb the light. That destroys the hair.

Upper Lip: Laser hair removal for the upper lip is becoming increasingly popular and its not hard to see why. Unlike electrolysis, lasers are able to treat multiple hairs in one go, making it, thankfully, a much quicker procedure. Although it cant promise to banish the hairs permanently, you should see a permanent reduction in hair in the treated area over time.

Underarm: Many women will shave their armpits hundreds of times during their lifetime. The idea of abandoning this tedious task may seem appealing, and you may wonder if laser hair removal is a good alternative. But as sensitive as your underarms are, is laser hair removal safe? Yes!! It's safe for your underarms. In fact, it's relatively gentle on your skin, and there's not any pain during the procedure or afterward. Because underarms are a small area, the treatments often take less than 10 minutes.

Under Legs: We can get rid of that unwanted, embarrassing pubic hair, quickly and easily. Our fully qualified, discreet laser technicians can clean up that bikini line for good, often in under 15 minutes! The exact hair removal is absolutely up to you, and the technicians will take off or remove as much or as little hair as you want. After only one or two treatment sessions, youll start to see results. Even stubborn, dark hairs will be gone by the time your full course of treatment is done.

Face Laser: Laser hair removal is the quickest and most successful method to remove facial hair. This treatment entails directing bursts of laser light to the facial area. In one session the laser can treat thousands of hairs, it therefore takes fewer sessions than electrolysis to achieve results

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